In New Hampshire 1944, the Bretton Woods Conference took place. Everything we have been controlled and crushed by began there. The IMF, United Nations (which was really an exact copy of the League of Nations), the NIH where Dr.Fauci is from, and even the complete reliance on the Federal Reserve, that FDR's mentor Woodrow Wilson enacted. The complete Government, UN and New World Order was cemented in 1944. Two of the main characters involved in controlling the economy was John Maynard Keynes and Harry Dexter White. The first was a shady person connected to Catholicism, Homosexuality, Spies and Atheists. Then, there Is Harry Dexter White, who was a spy and known, but still he was eventually put in charge of the IMF by President Truman. I believe the Bretton Woods Conference put into place the pieces for the final push to the final destruction of the United States, that is far from united.
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